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PNW Haunts & Homicides Ep 5: D(ick)LM Homicides

Never heard of DLM? Well you'll just have to listen to find out why we renamed Richard Lawrence Marquette. A butchering, wrench bag wielding, scum stain of a human who killed three women in Portland, Oregon. Also, this week we have THREE bodies in the pod chamber- special guest Rii Pierce!

#StopAAPIHate #LearnOurNames

Name Pronunciation- https://www.nameshouts.com/

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We have something new and exciting to announce. *Drumroll please!* We're Birdie Ambassadors! Birdie is the modern personal safety alarm made for women, by women. When threatened, activate Birdie's LOUD siren and flashing light to create a diversion. She's light-weight and comes in five colors. Use our Ambassador Link and coupon code to receive 10% off your purchase.

If you're enjoying our podcast, please consider leaving a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It helps get us seen by more creepy people just like you! Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Patreon, & more! If you have any true crime, paranormal, or witchy stories you'd like to share with us & possibly have them read (out loud) on an episode, email us at pnwhauntsandhomicides@gmail.com or use this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeY9ipvJVTbj3IRj7Q9lGRNQXPhvc1grsnQfWKahuCYMqIJ0A/viewform

Another great way to support the show is by making a one time donation through BuyMeACoffee.

Intro/Outro Music from Uppbeat:
License code: I74RAVIRTFQ4CRXE
Cover art by Chris & Cassie