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Neon-lit Nostalgia: Polybius and the Golden Age of Arcades


Join us on PNW Haunts and Homicides for a totally rad journey into the heart of 80’s arcade culture, as we chat with Shana and Eric from http://barthattimeforgot.com/. Listen in as we transport you back to the early 80’s, exploring the nostalgia, camaraderie, and community spirit that surrounded arcades during their prime. We reminisce about the thrill of achieving high scores, the bonding experience it offered to players of all social and economic strata, and the special place arcades hold in pop culture. Also, discover more about Arcade 2084, a cinema-grade recreation of what arcades were like in the 80’s, complete with a speakeasy-style cocktail bar - http://barthattimeforgot.com/ - serving up http://barthattimeforgot.com/cocktails/, http://barthattimeforgot.com/root-84/, and some http://barthattimeforgot.com/menu/

Today we’re investigating the urban legend https://youtu.be/4gLypLPTljg! An arcade game that was rumored to have caused mysterious symptoms in players, but there’s no evidence of it’s existence. We speculate on what the gameplay might have been like, discuss fan-made versions of the game, and explore the potential link between Polybius, https://arcadeblogger.com/2018/01/19/atari-tempest-dave-theurers-masterpiece/, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cube_Quest. Listen to our analysis of the conspiracy theories surrounding Polybius, the continuing presence of Polybius in pop culture, and the likelihood of such a game existing today. Tune in for an episode filled with mystery, nostalgia, and a dash of the paranormal. Would you play Polybius?


https://www.pnwhauntsandhomicides.com/ https://linktr.ee/pnwhauntsandhomicides If you have any true crime, paranormal, or witchy stories you'd like to share with us & possibly have them read (out loud) on an episode, email us at pnwhauntsandhomicides@gmail.com or use this https://forms.gle/aN5hbD8KnbfcccJNA. There are so many ways that you can support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/hauntshomicides, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pnw-haunts-homicides/id1566754620, or by leaving a rating & review on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pnw-haunts-homicides/id1566754620. Pastebin: for https://pastebin.com/embed_js/gyJJ5WKS?theme=dark.

Keywords: Arcade 2084, Polybius, Arcade Game, Paranormal, Retro, Nostalgia, Tarot, Men in Black, Creepy Stories, Mysterious, Unsolved, Mandela Effect, 1980’s, Arcade, Pop Culture, Urban Legend, Conspiracy Theories, Tempest, Cube Quest, Pacific Northwest, Portland, Oregon, Local Business