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Curse of Portland's Lotus Isle


There are areas in every major city there are heavily trafficked that don’t have a lot of clues to what used to be there. This is the case for Hayden Island between https://www.portland.gov/ and https://www.cityofvancouver.us/. Home of the https://jantzenbeachpdx.shopkimco.com/ originally Jantzen Beach Amusement Park. But that was not the only amusement park on this island at the time. After some sketchy practices, a little known gem called http://www.pdxhistory.com/html/lotus_isle.html opened for business. Very shorty afterwards, tragedy after tragedy befell the park. Not even a crowd favorite https://www.historylink.org/file/5534or https://www.historylink.org/File/5270 could save the ill-fated http://www.pdxhistory.com/html/lotus_isle.htmlWhich has us questioning - is Lotus Isle https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/curse?

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