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Pain in Puyallup - Part 2


In an area known for its natural beauty lies a darker underbelly, we delve into the chilling mysteries lurking beneath the serene landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. It’s a place where isolated roads and dense forests have provided the perfect cover for notorious serial killers like the Green River Killer.
Step into the shadows of the Pacific Northwest's serene landscapes as we unravel the enigmatic tale of Misty Copsey's haunting disappearance. Amidst the region's breathtaking beauty lies a sinister undercurrent of crime, where notorious serial killers like the Green River Killer once roamed freely.

In this gripping episode, we delve deep into Misty's story, beginning with her inexplicable vanishing from the Washington State Fair in Puyallup, 1992. Despite her mother's relentless search efforts and troubling connections to known predators, Misty's case was dismissed as a mere runaway.

As we peel back the layers of this perplexing mystery, we encounter eerie parallels to other unsolved disappearances in the area and disturbing suspicions that Misty may have fallen victim to something far more sinister. With each revelation, we edge closer to uncovering the truth behind Misty's fate and bringing justice to her name. Journey through the shadows of the Pacific Northwest as we shine a light on Misty Copsey's baffling disappearance and strive to unravel the chilling secrets that have haunted her story for decades.

This week we introduced you to our friends from the podcast https://www.yeoldecrimepodcast.com/

https://www.pnwhauntsandhomicides.com/https://linktr.ee/pnwhauntsandhomicides If you have any true crime, paranormal, or witchy stories you'd like to share with us & possibly have them read (out loud) on an episode, email us at pnwhauntsandhomicides@gmail.com or use this https://forms.gle/aN5hbD8KnbfcccJNA. There are so many ways that you can support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/hauntshomicides, Apple Podcasts, or by leaving a rating & review on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pnw-haunts-homicides/id1566754620. Pastebin: for sources. https://pastebin.com/embed_js/icq2qKJh?theme=dark: for sources.