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Aug. 22, 2023

Intuition, Hauntings, & Cannabis: A Journey with The Weedium

Intuition, Hauntings, & Cannabis: A Journey with The Weedium

Grab your favorite munchies, pull up a beanbag, and join us and our guest, The WeediumShannon is a highly skilled medium who communicates with spirits and offers healing through her gift. Check out her podcast Convos with the Dead!

Ever wondered how cannabis can influence one's psychic abilities? Shannon explains how these substances can tune out external distractions, encouraging a deeper presence and focus. With her intuition heightened, she's able to perceive signs more clearly. As we unravel the mysteries of our conversation, we wander into the haunted halls of Hotel Sorrento, Seattle's oldest hotel, and the alleged ghost of Alice B. Toklas. Who, among many amazing things, was a renowned marijuana activist and cookbook author.

One of Alice's legacies, introducing “pot brownies” to America, impacts cannabis culture to this day. So, light up a joint with friends on a patio and get ready for an insightful episode that transcends boundaries as it explores the complex intersection of intuition, spirituality, and cannabis. Don't wait, get set to ignite  your curiosity and elevate your senses with us.

Today we shared a promo for HILF hosted by Dawn Brodey!

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Speaker 1:

I think it helps me listen to my intuition a little bit better too.

Speaker 2:

But because, again, you've blocked out all the outside noise and you're able to see the shit that's right in front of you. The shit is always right in front of us. We're just too blind to see it because we're so distracted by all this other stuff. That's why I love weed.

Speaker 1:

You guys might have noticed, my co-host isn't here today. She does not partake in the weed, so she is not here to have weed fun with us.

Speaker 2:

You know why it's okay because some people can and some people can't. I just feel so sorry for those people who can't. I just have to be on another level.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot more fun on this level, for sure.

Speaker 2:

It is, but this is like normal level. I start off at under zero. I need to get to normal level zero.

Speaker 1:

Yep Break there with you, actually, I start off above Above.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, I start off like a crack head and I have to puff to get to zero. That's what it is. That's my problem.

Speaker 1:

It calms you down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it does Like, just makes me present, that's what it does. That's a good thing to be Present's good, always good.

Speaker 1:

Well, are you going to be present today for the story that I have for you?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm so excited. I even have my cards right here next to me just in case we get a hankering.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we definitely have to do tarot, because we do tarot in every episode, so we will do that for sure, okay. So before we get into the story, though, I do want to let everyone know who you are, because the P&W Stoners are going to love this one. So today I'm with Shannon. She is a medium, but she's not just any medium. She's the medium Puffs of smoke, bong Rips yeah, seriously. So how long have you been the medium?

Speaker 2:

You know what I've been with that name? It's been a couple of years, but I've been like this my whole entire life. I've always been different. I've always, I guess. I guess back in the day I didn't know it was. This is what it was called, because I used to see people that weren't there. But to me it was just like if we're in a haunted house, I see a ghost. You know, I remember specifically. My first like experience was clearly a ghost or a spirit, but it looked like a human, just like if you and I were sitting in the same room. Oh man.

Speaker 1:

I've never experienced that in my whole life that I know of.

Speaker 2:

It's, you know, as a kid. You just know that man, this is some stranger in my room and it was a little kid looking around from a little kitchen set that I had and he wanted to play. And I remember thinking, man, he was this little Asian boy. And I started doing research on that area years later as I got older, because I knew even at God I was probably two years old in a crib when I saw this little boy and it scared the shit out of me Like I screamed. My mom came in, she moved the toy around. Nobody was there and I found out many years later this was in Oklahoma. So it was like Latin Oklahoma. We lived out on this land. It's like tumbleweeds and it was a development. But all of that used to be, you know, old Native American, like reservations, like Indian reservations. So I guess somebody came in. Maybe the developers had come in and bought out a lot of the land and developed like real estate and built neighborhoods to house like incoming military families and stuff. So I always knew there was just something weird about that house and it's almost like I can remember. I can remember the layout, like yesterday, like I can still walk through it, this house in my head and we still own the house my parents still own the house. Oh my gosh, that's awesome. So this is yeah, I grew up in this house like as a child I mean, my parents were military so we traveled a lot but that was like my first real experience and it was the most traumatizing, traumatic experience I've ever had, because I knew, even as a kid, like I said, this was not somebody that was supposed to be there Fast forward. You know, later years down the road, I kind of suppressed all of that because I grew up in also a very religious family.

Speaker 1:

That'll do it.

Speaker 2:

You can't talk about this kind of stuff because you know they don't believe in ghosts and those aren't real. And what they were taught, and even what I was taught to believe man, none of that shit's real. Man, Like ghosts and spirits are real, A book that tells you they're not real. When there are people that have can vouch for what I see and what I do, Like dude, there's something real to that and it's not evil and it's not hurting anyone. If anything, it's healing people and in the process, it's healing me and it's helping me to become more human and to be more compassionate, because there were very many times in my, a lot of times in my life where I've had people that have told me it's like God, you need to like, take a class in sensitivity, Like you're so harsh. I mean that's probably the Sagittarius in me because I'm just, I say what I mean, I mean what I say. But I also realized too, as you get older, you start to be able to put yourself in other people's shoes and I think through this whole experience it, something changed in me in 2018 when my grandfather died you know, really the year before that when my granny died but something changed where I literally saw the world through different eyes and I I now. It's like I can't even have a conversation, sometimes without, like, welling up with tears or watching a commercial, and it's like it hits me in the field.

Speaker 1:

It's just like what the fuck is wrong with me. Everything makes me cry too now, and I hate it.

Speaker 2:

It's the worst. It's like we can't hide behind this, this hard exterior anymore, once we've kind of crossed over to that other side yeah. You know what, what is out there, and you know that this is not it. So I, I live by that and I know that the people that need me always find me. I, you know, it's the most, it's the most humbling gift I think I could have ever I was going to say ask for. But I didn't ask for this, because sometimes it's a blessing and a curse. I mean, let's just fucking real. But I, I just realized that, man, I have something that a lot of people don't have. And how can I do this? To make as cheesy as it sounds, what can I do to make this world better? What can I contribute to society or to you know, what kind of legacy can I leave behind? You know, I, I always knew I was going to be destined to help people in some way. I just thought it would be in the arts, which, you know, that's another form of healing. But this, this thing like, took on legs of its own and just completely transformed my life in the last five years.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's funny how that happens. You think you have a plan and then you end up somewhere completely different.

Speaker 2:

Complete opposite end of where you even envisioned to be. Yeah, and I think that just it gets to the point where and probably you've experienced this too and I think at the point where man, like, it's easier to just go with the flow than to fight the urge to resist because clearly somebody bigger than us is guiding us and they're showing us all of these red flags and situations. But the old us, you know, would, would choose to try to justify those red flags at least the old me, I know me. I would try to say oh, you know, maybe I'm just overthinking or I'm being too hard, maybe I'm being too overly, you know, critical. But no man, I was never wrong. I was wrong for not listening to my gut instinct. That's what I was wrong about. And I think if more people could just relinquish control of trying to control, like life, just let go of controlling, trying to control shit, and say, okay, I'm just open to let things be what they're supposed to be, because as soon as you can say that and truly mean it and not give a shit about what anybody thinks, it is so liberating and doors open, it's very true, I mean with you know it, it's manifestation man. but you have to truly believe it too, you know, and yes, confidence is.

Speaker 1:

I have a couple more questions for you. Is there a difference using your medium abilities when you're high versus when you're not high?

Speaker 2:

No, and everybody thinks, oh, you just see shit because you're high or you hear shit, I'm like no dude. If I'm needed, I can be stone cold like no weed at all. No, nothing Like I mean, all I do is weed in shrooms anyway. Yeah, like literally nothing. I can be in the grocery store and if somebody needs me, they're gonna give me the information I need right then and there for the person that I'm with. Perfect, and it may not make sense right in that moment, but I mean, you know how it happens.

Speaker 1:

It always makes sense, yeah it does so no, I can be.

Speaker 2:

I don't have to be it, just I think. When I do puff, I think it just allows me to shut out all the noise and truly be in the moment and present and able to listen and decipher, like what I'm supposed to do because, like my ADHD is everywhere and for whatever reason the weed like just I can literally I don't have to multitask, I can be focused.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I was thinking like. It would make it a little bit easier in my mind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause you're not. You can shut everything off and just be here or there, wherever the you know, in the middle of two worlds, you know, but it's yeah, it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I think it helps me listen to my intuition a little bit better too. So I'm not, I'm like, oh, everything's a sign when I'm high, not like I see, I don't. I've never seen like a ghost or anything like that, but I'll see. You know, what I think are signs like things that are meaningful to me, and I see more of them when I'm stoned. I feel like, cause, I'm just like, oh, looking at everything, paying attention to everything.

Speaker 2:

But because, again, you've blocked out all the outside noise and you're able to see the shit that's right in front of you. The shit is always right in front of us. We're just too blind to see it because we're so distracted by all this other stuff. That's why I love weed. Yeah, seriously.

Speaker 1:

Get on it everyone.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, and you know like I get it, some people are gonna have to like do whatever they gotta do to like survive, like medication. I'm not against whatever works for you. I just know that that shit did not work for me. If anything, that shit numbed me out to the point where I wasn't able to hone my gifts, you know, and it was easy to suppress shit. But then you just start thinking you're crazy with weed. I just accept the fact that I'm crazy. I don't have to try to justify it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you don't care.

Speaker 2:

I don't give a fuck.

Speaker 1:

It's such a great feeling.

Speaker 2:

It is. It's so freeing and you know it's like it's funny, because sometimes you know how people pop up now with social media. People pop up from the past and I'm talking like the past past, like the high school past and shit.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

These people find me and they I'm sure they probably think man, she's still out of her fucking mind. But now it's like on a different level and I had one person tell me, one girl tell me she's like you know what? You were always so carefree and like this free spirit and I was just like man. That's like the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me, because that means right there, like basically that's saying you didn't give a fuck back then and you still don't give a fuck. And then I have people now who are now finding these, these. They're transitioning in their lives in terms of having these crazy spiritual awakenings. I'm talking like near death experiences and people dying and things transforming them. Like you know how this crazy shit happens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do personally. Yeah, you know.

Speaker 2:

I know exactly. So they tell me all this stuff that's happening and I realized it's like, oh my God, because they're in like the thick of it and when you start to notice like all of this shit happening, I think a lot of these people are able to step back and see shit for what it really is. And also cause I'm so high right now, I totally forgot where the fuck we were going with this right now what?

Speaker 1:

the fuck was I saying?

Speaker 2:

I was thinking the same thing. I'm like shit man. What was I saying? Oh hang on, I was thinking about this. Oh fuck, I don't even remember. All I know is like dude smoke, weed, Stoner episode. You know what?

Speaker 1:

You know, seriously, we'll talk about the important things.

Speaker 2:

They're going to be woven in between, like the useless knowledge that we throw out there.

Speaker 1:

That's okay, they're used to it. They're used to it.

Speaker 2:

It's all I know is man. We're here for a reason, but at the same time, none of this shit matters, cause right now we are not living. This is a fucking dream, and when we die, that's when we're truly awake. That's why I can talk to people on the other side Like they're just living life on the other side of the curtain. No big deal, because they fucking are man. That's why people say we live here in a sim. We're in a fucking game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hear that a lot.

Speaker 2:

Because this is just this rotation. Nothing is original, everything is a repeat.

Speaker 1:

Everyone's just got to play the game. Just play the game.

Speaker 2:

Just play the game, man, until we get to the other fucking next level man.

Speaker 1:

In the wheel.

Speaker 2:

You know, some people might exactly. Some people were already on. Like I know, for me this is my last earthly life. I'm on the last level. I'm like at the. I know that. I know for a fact. I've never been this. I have never dude. I was always. I always felt like I was dumber than a box of rocks. Okay, I just did not care about school. I was always smart, but I just didn't want to. I was just. I was more worried about like a social life. You know, Cause I was raised in church and I didn't get to like live life like a normal kid so I had to do it later in life. But I know this is my last spiritual life because I feel like, or my last earthly life because I feel like girl. In the last five years I feel like I've gained lifetimes of knowledge from nowhere and memories that I'm recalling that shouldn't exist because I've never lived them in this life.

Speaker 1:

I'm so interested in that. I really want to have an experience where I'm remembering a past life.

Speaker 2:

God, it's crazy and chances are you probably do. Now you just equate it to your imagination, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Ooh, that's interesting. That's a whole nother, that's a whole nother. You gotta think about it.

Speaker 2:

That's a whole nother Seriously seriously, cause I ordered. I have them on. I have them on back order or on pre-order, but I ordered these past life cards like Oracle cards.

Speaker 1:

That's a. Thing.

Speaker 2:

I? Yes, somebody created some, but they're always sold out, so I had to order another set of this, like batch. So I'm waiting to be notified. But I want to just see what they do, because I know that I've tapped into that shit with other people and they have had. They've gone to see certain people that that's all they do is past life regression.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I have verbatim told them exactly what they've been told in these other therapy sessions.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

So I know there's something there. It's just a matter of you know, just trusting, like I do with everything else. And knowing that information always comes forward at a time when it's necessary. Our souls are just these beams of light, these little orbs, and we happen to get these earthly human meat suits right now some people, some things, get dog suits, some get cat suits and you know just, whatever that life, whatever that life entails, that's like like whatever that life assigns. I guess that's what they're they're suit, they're they're costumes gonna entail.

Speaker 1:

I love meat suit. It's like one of my favorite things to say.

Speaker 2:

I mean, what else is it called?

Speaker 1:

That's what it is so great.

Speaker 2:

That's what it is, but it's like it's. It's hard to talk to people about the stuff that don't get it. Yeah, it is really hard, and and you know you can't be everything to everybody, but I was one of those people. I still just like you. Like sometimes I'm like I'm skeptical about the information that I download because I'm like, how could this, how could I know this? But then you think about the information and after you process it, you also say to yourself self there's no fucking way you could have known this. This isn't random, this isn't just a random name or a Situation. I mean, like the things that I see are down to Inside houses that I've never been in, that don't exist, like I can tell you what color mirror was on the wall and when the husband used to drink coffee at the table every morning and read the paper. Like shit, like that. Like I'm almost like I'm eavesdropping Into the history of somebody's life, like they're past, and it always ends up being useful information. It always ends up being something that is significant to the person that I'm talking to or that spirit connects me to, because I don't know who I'm supposed to talk to and I never know who's gonna come through and I don't ever know any of the people I talked to in terms of their personal life. They're all referrals. Or there are people like you and I, where we just connect, but I didn't know anything about your life. Yeah, that's why mediums can't read family members.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

You can't decipher what's coming through and what you might have in your memory bank. So For people that I let's say, let's say for people that find me like on on social or whatever, I don't know them, I still don't know them and I make sure make it a point to never Follow anybody because I don't want to know anything about them. I don't want to have any reason to feel like what, what I'm getting, is not happening at that moment. I don't want to feel like I'm ever recalling something I might have seen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you'd be gaslighting yourself all day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, and it's like so much for validation, man, so I just I stay away from all of it. I, the only thing I usually get somebody'll they'll say hey, it's usually like I said a referral to say hey, so, and so is looking for a medium. I talked about you. Can I share your number and I'm always like please share it past my information along, because, again, I'm always available when the time is Right for me. You know, when I'm open, that's when people call, when I'm busy with life and summer and stuff like that, I was just like man spirit, you haven't needed me, but that's just why spirit hasn't needed me. Yeah, there's other, there's other people that that you know. When I'm not busy, that you know they I'll take over, and when I'm busy, they take over you need a break, everyone needs a break you can't reset if you don't take a break right. Yeah, I've been getting that message shouted in my face quite clearly for the past couple months, but I Mean we have to listen, and sometimes it's gonna we're gonna keep getting hit in the head until finally we act.

Speaker 1:

Well then, it forces you like we were gonna record last Tuesday the internet where I was was down and you were having issues in your eyes trees and shit, yeah and down like yeah. I needed a break. I had just picked up my dog's ashes and I was trying to work that day like who. So, oh it, universe forced me to take up, take a break, and you were fine with it. Everything worked out. We're here now. I.

Speaker 2:

Know, I was totally fine with it and you know it's weird. I even thought, man, as soon as I saw them coming up the driveway, I was like oh my god. I was like this can't, this can't be happening. And then I'm like you. We started talking. I was like you know what? This is exactly what's supposed to happen. So, you know, again that goes back to just trusting and not trying to fight it and say, oh well, we can do it this time. No, you just let it be what it's supposed to be, yep, and just know that it's not right now.

Speaker 1:

Go with the flow. Yeah and look now here we are feeling much better today. Yeah, much more bubbly than I probably would have been.

Speaker 2:

See, and that's what it's about. You just got to do it in the right time, timings, everything.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I believe that spirit puts the right people in our paths when we both need something from each other. It's not just about me helping somebody. It's about somebody else who giving something to me and return that I didn't realize I needed, yeah, and I'm sure a lot of validation to that.

Speaker 1:

Like what you are, what information you're getting is right.

Speaker 2:

And I think that is the information and that's what I need. That's what I get out of this in terms of just being able to to understand, because I have to go through somebody else's pain, I have to relive all that shit with. Some of this stuff is not pretty. I mean just like a doctor with a specialty, for whatever reason. Mine are always suicides and overdoses, those are like the big ones Wow and I know why because I could have easily been one of those people and I truly believe I was one of those lives in One of my past lives. So I can understand and I can relate and for whatever reason it it doesn't. Some of the scenes that I have to go back and see I mean girl, it's almost like somebody's showing me a picture from Some of these are like from homicide files in my brain.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's hard.

Speaker 2:

No one should ever see, but they always zone in on that one specific piece of that picture. Maybe I can see it from afar, but it's just for a split second so they can tell me what I'm supposed to tell the family. And there is no that. That right, there is just what I can describe, down to the color of the room that I'm in and what, what the person was wearing when they were found. Like that to me is unequivocal proof that we don't end here. Like somebody is still communicating from the other side. I mean no different than like fucking aliens. Man, they think the same thing about aliens. What if this is like just another version of like a fucking alien? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everyone's just on a different, a different level.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, literally like we're in or vibrating on different, we're functioning in different frequencies, on different frequencies and different vibrations.

Speaker 1:

I heard the other day I don't remember where I heard it that we're like, as a planet, or vibrating higher than we used to, and so everyone's like well, what are we gonna like? Start vibrating it, like, at like the same as another dimension, and like merge.

Speaker 2:

This is what I'm hearing like it's crazy, and I've been like these are like theories and shit that I've kind of always thought like, just as I've thought about this weird like Neil the grassy type, shit yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love it.

Speaker 2:

I do too. It's just so fascinating if you think of how we've evolved as people, right Even technology. Now they're finding like apparently aliens are among us Like dude. We're too fucking stupid for them to take their time and be like God. They see us and they're crashing because they're like these fucking idiots. You know what I mean. Seriously, we're causing them to have accidents because we're just fucking idiots. And I truly believe that we are constantly evolving and there are certain people that are becoming more self-aware, because there, I think, religion is in some parts becoming not a thing. It's being replaced with spiritualism, wellness and new age and mysticism and things that make people actually feel better. You know, because it's energy and it's changing the course of your thought and your words. And if you get in deep enough, people that are on the outside that don't get that whole transformation of the mind start to view this as, oh God, they joined a cult. It's weird, but that's no different than us looking at like heaven's gate, where they all thought they were gonna write a comment to the fucking planets and shit to heaven. You know, they all had their own version. But this is different because if you think of what, what speaking to people on the other side is doing, or these people that are becoming self-aware and saying you know what? I believe in the law of attraction and I believe that my thoughts and my words will change the course of my path. The thing is, people are starting to truly believe that. So there's a shift in the type of humans that are being bred. I guess I mean it sounds weird, but we're evolving into a different version of mankind.

Speaker 1:

It's really cool. It's really cool to kind of like be in the middle of and see like both sides really.

Speaker 2:

I mean one day, the people that followed certain trends or certain religious you know, I don't know, I don't wanna say like cultures and stuff, but just people that were programmed to believe certain things their entire lives generationally, I think are going to start to replace those traditional ideologies with things that are more focused on self-awareness and just what brings overall well-being and happiness to me as a person. Because I did all this other bullshit and all my family members did all this other bullshit for all these years and guess what? Nobody. Everybody still died, at least now dye knowing that there's possibility that there's something else, instead of being trapped in this programmed mindset of this is what you're supposed to believe, because this is what our family has always believed, and I think more people are breaking the mold. I think that's why there's that shift that you're talking about. And it's awesome, it's so cool it is because people are not feeling like they're confined to follow the societal norms. People are actually using their voices because they can and people are speaking out against things that they don't believe in. And social media is behind that, because now we are actually seeing things in real time that in the 80s and the 70s, the 60s, even the 90s, like we weren't seeing, like we see now. I mean, everything is in your face. Like good luck to these people trying to fucking like get away with crimes and shit Cause. Guess what bitch they gon' find you.

Speaker 1:

Everything is on camera now.

Speaker 2:

Everything, dna, man, all of it Like you can't deny science, and I just feel like it's only gonna keep shifting. I mean, pretty soon we're gonna like there's this movie. There's this movie I wanna see. It's an independent film and it's called Jules and it's about this alien that visits. He crashes into this man's backyard it's got like an all-star cast, cool and he ends up living with this guy and they become like best of friends. I only watched the trailer but I was like dude, this shit's fucking gonna happen one day. I hope so Like this shit's gonna happen one day, but right now I mean we're just still too dumb. We're too dumb. They can't waste their time. It's like us giving energy to people that are like vampire, like energy vampires.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like arguing with someone over the internet who's just a troll sucking your energy, exactly.

Speaker 2:

It's not worth their time until we evolve, until to a more you know, less dumb ass human.

Speaker 1:

Come on, guys, evolve faster. Geez, it's not that hard.

Speaker 2:

I know it's like come on, don't be so stupid. Like just, don't be dumb, like just, let's just all fucking be smart yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, should we move on to this little story. I have for you this little ghost story. That should be very fitting.

Speaker 2:

So excited.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so today I'm gonna tell you about the Hotel Sorrento. Have you heard of it? No, tell me more, I'll tell you all about it the Hotel Sorrento opened in 1909 and is the oldest hotel in Seattle Washington. Have you?

Speaker 2:

been to Seattle. I haven't, but I was trying to think if that's the same hotel my husband stayed at. But it wasn't.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, you'll get to see a picture of it in a second. I think I'm gonna. Can I text you a link? Yes, I wanna see it, yes.

Speaker 2:

I don't know anything about it. So I'm gonna see what comes to me, like this is amazing, I don't know anything. I don't wanna look at anything?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, should I not send you a link? I don't wanna look. Don't send it to me, because I've never heard of this.

Speaker 2:

I'm just gonna see what I get in my head in my download. All I know is there's this woman. I keep seeing this one woman. I keep seeing a woman, so I don't know if there's a woman tied to this, so I'm gonna write this down. Oh, yes, oh this is.

Speaker 1:

I didn't even think of doing this?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't either, but all of a sudden I was like you know what? I don't wanna know anything. I just wanna see if any of this is validated because we're sitting here talking about. Am I crazy? Or is this like random, because you know the details? I don't Okay, okay. Okay, the weird. Okay, this is weird Again. God, I always get so nervous because I don't know if what I'm seeing and what I'm like automatically downloading is my imagination or if it's real. We're gonna find out Exactly. Okay, so there's a woman, god, and I don't know why. I keep seeing like a rope or something. I don't know if there's somebody hanging or there's something to do with a rope, so I'm gonna write down that too. And I keep seeing like red carpet. I don't know how many details we'll have, but you know what. This is all gonna make sense. I know it will. Okay, that's what I have right now, and I can actually see the woman. I don't even know if there's a woman. Well, maybe we'll figure out who this is. This woman has dark hair. Okay, I'm just gonna write this down because you know what? Maybe it's not about this story. Maybe this is somebody that's gonna end up hearing this and be like oh my God, that's my mom, maybe that's the shit that happens, you never know. Well, I could relate though. Okay, hang on. Okay, okay, go ahead. Okay, I'm just gonna see what else comes to me.

Speaker 1:

So the Hotel Sorrento was designed in an Italian style, even being called an Italian oasis or a honeymoon hotel, or even most romantic hotel. So I don't know, but I don't know. If it has red carpets, you can definitely look into it.

Speaker 2:

Dude, you know we'll find pictures, though. There's gotta be history, there's something here.

Speaker 1:

But when you said red carpet I was like ooh, that sounds like rose petals, like romance kind of yeah. The hotel was the first to have a rooftop restaurant and the Seattle lights back then just really loved everything about this place, but the building's looming exterior gives off more of an ominous vibe rather than oasis. I mean, give a place a few different owners, multiple renovations and over a hundred years, and it too can become haunted.

Speaker 2:

No, absolutely so. True, dude, you start fucking up walls and shit and they're like slow down.

Speaker 1:

So this building does look very looming and ominous.

Speaker 2:

I don't wanna see it yet.

Speaker 1:

Does it?

Speaker 2:

look like a picture that's taken in like the wintertime or the fall. Can you tell in this?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like are the colors muted?

Speaker 1:

I think they might be like black and white.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay it's a black and white. Okay, yeah, yeah, let me see now. I wanna see. I wanna see what I get, because this is like. All I see now are like crows, everywhere too. It sounds very much like I can't wait to see this. I'm making notes, too, all over here, and I just wrote with my left hand, I don't know why, and it looks like scribble.

Speaker 1:

You're not left handed, are you no?

Speaker 2:

no, I'm writing with my left hand and I just wrote crows with my left hand and I wrote a name.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm sending you the picture right now. Oh, wow, doesn't it look like?

Speaker 2:

looming? Yeah, it really does. It almost looks like a prison.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but they really loved it. It was really a classy place, romantic Italian style, but it just from the outside does not look like it and I will definitely post a picture of it for everyone else to see.

Speaker 2:

Definitely does not look romantic to me. It looks more asylum-ish, yeah, or technically, if you look at it, it looks like it could be like a win or like one of those hotels in Vegas if it was surrounded by all the high rises because of the angle of it, so I could see kind of like what they were going for.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it looks creepy, especially in a black and white photo too.

Speaker 2:

They definitely did not nail that shot.

Speaker 1:

So now I'm gonna go on and tell you about the haunting. Yes, a ghostly woman what Roses the garden and the halls. She is also known to flicker lights and move drinks around.

Speaker 2:

What the fucking fuck. I said woman. What did I say you did Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Christ, it is about a woman, oh my God. So she likes to hang out around a specific room. Do you want to guess the room number?

Speaker 2:

Is it the second floor, like two-something? No, it's room 408. Oh my God, that was my second guess before I was like how many floors is this place? Okay, okay, 408, okay.

Speaker 1:

She likes to hang out around room 408. A couple of employees went to the room and heard breathing in there, but nobody was in there. So I don't know if that could be like an air issue, but a lot of the times air conditioners or heaters or whatever don't sound like breathing, so I don't know if you could confuse that.

Speaker 2:

Dude, you can't confuse breathing with an.

Speaker 1:

AC man, it's pretty specific.

Speaker 2:

There's no way, yeah, and if you think about it, your instincts, like your fight or flight, is kicking in because you know something's off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if it was like an air problem, you would probably just notice right off the bat and be like, oh it's could point it out pretty easily.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You might even hear lovely piano music coming from the completely empty penthouse suite. I wanna go to the penthouse suite.

Speaker 2:

Dude, I wanna go sit out. I wanna spend the night in the penthouse suite.

Speaker 1:

Yes, if there's a piano in there, it's gotta be really cool, dude you know I'm gonna tear that shit up.

Speaker 2:

I'll be in there like serenading those ghosts.

Speaker 1:

Unless there's wait. Maybe there's not a piano in there, but people are just hearing a piano. That's not there.

Speaker 2:

That'd be even more creepy.

Speaker 1:

Ooh, I don't know for sure.

Speaker 2:

Maybe there was a piano there because it's a hotel. Yeah, could have been they always have a piano in, like the lounge or like the grand ballroom or whatever. That you know, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Front desk staff have felt as if someone was there needing help, like they kind of were looking you know, probably off doing something else, and they felt like you know, and you feel like someone standing there at the desk waiting, only to look up and find that no one was there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's creepy to do.

Speaker 1:

But later on the security camera footage they saw a blur go past the front desk. So something was there, you just couldn't see it.

Speaker 2:

See. That's why they always say if you think you see something out of the corner of your eye or you feel it like dude, you did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you probably did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I've had. So I've had like a lot of bugs and things in the corners of my eye and like I feel like I always just know when it's a bug, but there's sometimes like I'll see something out of the corner of my eye that looks like the same as if it were a bug, but I know like it's not a bug.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, See, I'll go walk down the hall, like through the hallway, past rooms, and every now and then I feel like in the corner of my eye, when I walk past the living room, cause there's a caddy corner to go from my bedroom to the bathroom in the hall, I have to walk past the living room and I always imagine, like I say imagine, but in my mind's eye, like if I'm looking, there's just a tall man standing there. Oh yeah, but I don't see him again. Like I see you, I just see an empty space. But as I'm scanning the room, that empty space becomes this image in my mind of the man standing in that space. I just scanned, Like I just know somebody's there but I'm not tripped out about it anymore, cause I've had people validate who's been in the house, so I know that it's not anybody to be afraid of, but it's still a nerving. You don't wanna, you know, wake up. And I always get up and I walk to the kitchen just to see what time it is, and I don't know why I do that, cause all I have to do is just look at my phone. I just realized that, yeah, why do you do that? God, that's fucking weird.

Speaker 1:

I don't know Something wants you in the kitchen.

Speaker 2:

It's weird, but I always go in there and look at the clock on the microwave and the stove and it's always like three o'clock or three o' three or two 48. And I'm like God damn it come on man. I just wanna sleep. And so I know. I knew this week was gonna be, you know, or the end of last week. I knew it was gonna be a spirit week. I could feel it. I knew this week was gonna be a spirit week Cause I've been off duty for a minute.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, now you're back.

Speaker 2:

So now everybody, yeah, now I'm back, and it's like dang man, there's a line, it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

There's a line, A line meaning like there's a ghost line.

Speaker 2:

They're like man, we've been like. You know it's like, but I know everybody needs to say something because I'm now. I'm available again, cause now that again, like schools, can be back in session, I'm available. So now I can get back to you know be in the medium yeah.

Speaker 1:

I was just picturing the other day while I was waiting at the pharmacy and they take a lunch break, so there was a line, you know, like a minute before they they open, there was like a line already waiting outside for them to open, that's like with you Same thing.

Speaker 2:

It's like they're waiting. It's like everybody wants to be first, get in and get out. Get their messages crossed, your lunch break is over Exactly. Exactly. But yeah, so interesting this woman.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, so I'm going to tell you about the woman actually. So all of this seems pretty spooky, but most people at the hotel seem to have a pretty good relationship with the spirit. They even hosted dinner featuring recipes from her cookbook, because, that's right, they know exactly who this ghost is and she happens to have a pretty famous cookbook. In 1954, the Alice B Toklas cookbook introduced a very special brownie recipe called Hashish Fudge to homes all across America. So she invented. Well, she didn't invent, but she introduced weed brownies to Americans.

Speaker 2:

She's a fucking legend man. She's amazing and.

Speaker 1:

I had never heard of her before today. You might have.

Speaker 2:

I've never heard of her.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But how did I know it was a fucking woman, man? Because you know things. God damn, it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

So Alice is described in most of the articles on this particular subject as a marijuana activist. But just a quick aside, she is so much more, we'll circle back to that at the end. She lived in Seattle for just a very short time, near where the hotel would be, about 10 years later. The strange thing is no one really thinks she actually visited the hotel while she was amongst the living anyway, and she passed away in Paris. So it's kind of a question on why she's haunting this hotel.

Speaker 2:

You know what happens when this when OK, so she visited there, though right, she spent time there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she lived near there and they think that she might have hung out, because she lived apparently on the same block, so she might have hung out somewhere that was there, that was her hood man, that was like her stomping ground. Oh my god, I knew you were going to say that. That was it. That was the exact words in the article that someone used. Those were her stomping grounds. I was like I know she's going to say it. There you go.

Speaker 2:

She is still there because they always stick around at the places that they felt so happy and she loved being always meeting new people and being surrounded by all. You think of all the different people that came and went. Just a fascinating myriad of people, I'm sure.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know what was there before the hotel, so it could have been anything there, so-.

Speaker 2:

All I know is, if that's the case, her energy still roams that vicinity for, you know, and even if she lived down the street, she lived probably close enough to where she could get there like walk there. So again that-.

Speaker 1:

And that's an interesting place, to be for sure. Like you said, it's a hotel, so there's a lot of different people around.

Speaker 2:

And if you look at the picture it's kind of isolated. In a way it's very like people come there for a specific reason.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure what it looks like now because I know that's an older photo, but it does. It is like on the top of a hill and yeah, kind of like a lookout, Like a you know, yeah, yeah. And if she's up in the penthouse suite, I don't know. I don't know if she played piano, I mean.

Speaker 2:

God man, if it's there or she, maybe she just tinkered or she just liked it. Who?

Speaker 1:

knows. Yeah, like piano music, yeah. So I was kind of thinking like something, maybe, even though she only lived in Seattle a short time, like something obviously really significant and special had to have happened to her there for her to come back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. What do we know about her in terms of like any history on her?

Speaker 1:

So I have a little bit. I'll go through this and then we can talk maybe a little bit more about it. Oh, I was thinking, maybe one time somebody there tried her weed brownies and that's what-.

Speaker 2:

Dude, maybe that's where she ended up that's why she returned. Or what if this ended up being like this whole? What year was this again?

Speaker 1:

So she lived there in like around 1944.

Speaker 2:

Okay, think about this, think about like that's illegal. What if the hotel was like her fucking like? I know, whenever I know people that were in the drug game, they would go to like the fancy, like the W hotel and drop off like bags of cash and shit, like when the weed game, before the weed game, was legal and that's where all their clientele were. So maybe the hotel was like her clientele for the brownies.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know. It was built 10 years after she was there, though, so I'm not sure, unless like someone else was maybe someone else was doing that there and she kind of like like smelled the weed and gravitated towards this place.

Speaker 2:

Maybe she was just a fucking stoner and happened to have some in her bag when she stayed there one day and got high with somebody in the fucking courtyard. Next thing you know, you know, that's what her legacy is.

Speaker 1:

So I didn't go deep into the rabbit hole that is Alice B Toklas, but for anyone interested it's really really worth it. She did have a fascinating life, even before all the pot brownie business. So much so that her life partner, gertrude Stein, thought Alice needed an autobiography so bad that she wrote one for her.

Speaker 2:

You know what's crazy? Her last name is Toklas. Yeah, we took the J yo.

Speaker 1:

We took the Joy dude. I was thinking is that where that comes from?

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm wondering Guys who knows how appropriate would that be, though. Oh, she looks like a stoner, straight up hippie ass stoner man. She died in March of 1967. Oh my God, listen to this. You're right. She had a real mustache. Not Didn't you say something about a mustache Like, what were you talking about? We were talking about a mustache. Maybe it wasn't her. Listen to this. Did Alice B Toklas have a mustache? She had a real mustache, not the kind that old women often grow, but the sturdy kind which started when she was first going into adolescence.

Speaker 1:

Whoa Wow, I had no idea. Yes interesting.

Speaker 2:

Wow, I guess she had a lot of yeah, she had a lot of famous friends.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't. I really want to read her autobiography you too. That was written for her, it's just so funny.

Speaker 2:

I know, I know right, but hey, her partner wrote it.

Speaker 1:

How you know who she was like your life story needs to be told so clearly. It's interesting.

Speaker 2:

God, that's what I'm saying. That's so crazy.

Speaker 1:

I love the picture of them and their dog.

Speaker 2:

I know, look at all this. I know so cute. Yeah, I see she must be on the left because, look, you can see a little mustache sturdy mustache, like they said.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't even that, didn't even come up in any of my research. But I didn't, again, I didn't dive deep into her history because it's, you know, it's a ghost podcast.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, but it's interesting, though. Now I'm wondering what is the hotel? What is it called the Sorento?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sorento Hotel, sorento Hotel.

Speaker 2:

Sorento, seattle. Wow, it is okay. Yeah, one of the. It talks about Alice, but I'm also wondering like, why did I think somebody like got hung or something?

Speaker 1:

I mean hotels are notorious for people.

Speaker 2:

But this looks like a fancy hotel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but fancy people have problems. No, you're right. You're right, I was trying to look at the inside.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm looking at now. I'm trying to find pictures. Oh, wow, okay, there's. They're all black and white, obviously, but so I can't see if there's a red carpet.

Speaker 1:

There is. They do have a website, for now I don't. I think they. You know they remodeled a bunch of times, though, so who knows?

Speaker 2:

I was even trying to see if maybe back in the 70s or the 60s, maybe the color of the hotel is different.

Speaker 1:

but it is like a brick.

Speaker 2:

Dude, it is kind of reddish even on the inside. Look at the inside. I see some of those like big red carpets. Yeah, there's red carpets in all. The furniture is like this red.

Speaker 1:

I mean, yeah, that goes with, like I feel like Italian theme, yeah you're right, maybe that, but yeah, maybe that's why I saw red.

Speaker 2:

I didn't think about that.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy. That was really cool. I loved that you knew that it was about a woman.

Speaker 2:

I just that's the first person I saw and I said dark hair and I'm trying to see.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you did the dark hair.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, did she have dark hair Like I'm?

Speaker 2:

trying to find. Okay, I'm trying to look for a picture of her again.

Speaker 1:

The pictures looked like it anyway. I mean they were black and white. Yeah, I know it did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she had dark hair, it wasn't blonde Wow.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So crazy, that's so cool. Man Well, should we do some tarot? Yes, let's do some tarot.

Speaker 1:

You have a deck and I have a deck.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I have mine right here.

Speaker 1:

Hey, there, hey there, should we do one at the same time?

Speaker 2:

or yes, let's do that. Are we gonna do like a? What are we gonna do Like one card? What do you wanna do?

Speaker 1:

We usually just do one. But like, whatever you're feeling you can do.

Speaker 2:

I'm not skilled enough to pull more than one usually no, we're gonna pull one cause that's perfect, and then it's like we're just gonna see what they say. Okay, let's see if this is. I wanna see if this is Alice like. Alice. Oh, did one fall out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one came out. Okay, what did you get? I got six of something. They're blunts. I forget that this is a different type of deck.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're using. I was about to ask are you using the weed deck?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm using the weed deck.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, amazing so.

Speaker 1:

I got the six of joints, which I don't know what that translates to.

Speaker 2:

Is that the six of cups? Maybe the six of joints, the six of swords, maybe?

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's that or it's wands.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wands I think it could be wands. That seems like more of like a wand than a sword.

Speaker 1:

I think it may be a wand.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that sounds about right. Very hot, or Harry?

Speaker 1:

Potter-ish yeah, Okay, six of wands. What did you get?

Speaker 2:

I'm still shuffling. Okay, here we go. I put memories I know I didn't have to shuffle very long cause it just like boom. Yours fell out. I pulled memories of love. We just talked about the things that she enjoyed. And we talked about now. Gertrude wrote this book for her her partners. Memories of love. I feel like maybe this book is gonna be talking about a lot of their relationship, her autobiography or whatever it was. Yeah, memories of love okay, that's so sweet.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I'm still trying to find out what my little book says, cause I don't know off the top of my head what they mean.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna see what else she's saying. Like, if this is her, how do we validate? Are you happy on the other side? Do you just stick around because you love this place? Let's see Shadow, shadow, Roaming the halls. Shadow, she's shadow is reflection of your former self. She likes to roam these halls because it reflects on her past life. Aw, she likes to be in this area because it takes her back to these moments that were really, really significant in her life. Her probably just finding herself too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, who knows. Oh, I'm so interested to read. I wonder if her time in Seattle is in the book. I'm not sure, Cause I know she was only there for a really short time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and even if it was for a short time, obviously it made an impact enough to where people think that's her in the hallways. Yeah, I believe it's her.

Speaker 1:

And they must like see her to know who it is, or I guess it could also just be a knowing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I think also too, if there are people that see so, there's probably somebody who has validated. This is what they look like. Enough to where. You know who we're talking about. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I'm also kind of getting the sense that, since she is so celebrated there now, just because people think she's there and they do dinners, cooking stuff out of her cookbook, like now, she's definitely gonna be around, no matter if she was there before or not, because people are there like worshiping her, celebrating her, giving her offerings, basically.

Speaker 2:

This is, if you think about it, she is leading pop culture. Now, if you think of like this is like this is the whole new movement, this whole new free weed. You know live in life. Like this is. She stood for this back then when it was totally against every rule.

Speaker 1:

Like you get locked up for this shit, especially as a woman.

Speaker 2:

As a gay woman. Yes, exactly In that time to just break all barriers like she didn't give a fuck. No, you can't. No, you can't give a fuck. She risked it all.

Speaker 1:

And I think that's why the card I got says number one stoner on it. And I'll read you what the? Little book says so. It says six of joints. Who's the number one stoner around here? It's you, it's Alice.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing.

Speaker 1:

In the victory you're experiencing is well earned and well noted. Ooh, any spoils it brings well-famed recognition are all yours to enjoy. Those around you know you deserve this. Let them celebrate you too. I literally I didn't read this before I said what I said. Amazing, that is so cool.

Speaker 2:

That is so cool that you're speaking to us through the weed language man. Oh, thanks Alice.

Speaker 1:

Thanks Alice this has been real man. Yeah, we're here to celebrate you. Yes, Someday we'll visit the Sorrento. Yes, we will.

Speaker 2:

We'll have to see if we can Bring you some hashish brownies, bring you some new grade edibles, new technology.

Speaker 1:

These days, yeah, how crazy would it be to her that we just like walk into a store now and can buy an edible brownie. She's probably like pooh.

Speaker 2:

It's probably like unfathomable to her, like that's even like a thing. It's like what do you mean? It's legal, you can actually buy this shit. Cause I feel like she would be like that, like can you believe this shit? Like I feel like she was gritty. I feel like she was just gritty. Yeah, she was like ballsy. I mean you gotta be yeah, yeah, man, that's just crazy.

Speaker 1:

I love seeing all these awesome people that came before us help to change change us into what we are now, and then we're you know, we talked about it earlier trying to roll the ball forward even more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's about being innovative and changing, not trying to influence change, but truly be the change.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know, and I feel like, if you, if we can, all it's power in numbers and if all of us that advocate for cannabis and weed and like a, to me it's a healthier lifestyle than alcohol. That's my personal preference.

Speaker 1:

For sure.

Speaker 2:

I feel like there would just be a lot more happy people in the world if they would just be open-minded and not stick to these like these things in their mind, where they equate weed to like some horrible stigma.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like I'm a fucking pot smoking mom and guess what I'm? I'm the one of the. I am productive as all hell.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

If I get shit done, I don't fuck around.

Speaker 1:

Exactly On that note, you also have a podcast.

Speaker 2:

I do and you're actually gonna. You're actually my second episode. If I could get the music finished for it.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I did have a reading with Shannon and it was a lot of waterworks, a lot of crying, a lot of healing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man, it's again. It just is healing for me because it's it's validation. But again, the people that come through always come through at the right time and it's always the people we need to hear hear from, whether we realize that's who we needed to hear from or not, Like we don't know, but it always makes sense. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I had a surprise one where I was like, oh my God, I not to sound weird, but I kind of forgot that that person had passed away because it was traumatic. So you know your mind tries to block things out, and yeah. So that one popped through and I was like, oh my God, I never would have like thought to ask to talk to this person.

Speaker 2:

And that's why I can never guarantee that the people that that my clients want to talk to are going to be the people that come through. Cause I don't know, cause I don't know any of these people until I meet them for the first time, when they stepped through the veil, you know, and they meet me and they're like okay, we're here, what, let's go, what do we do? But I I mean, man, it's just, I still can't, I still have a hard time even wrapping my mind around any of this you know it is a lot, it is a lot, but we're just go with the flow. We exactly. But even though I even know us talking about Alice, I know she's with us. I know she's here with us because who have all like of all things? Why, how, why? You have weed cards all of a sudden. Like you sent me a reading, you pulled my cards for me when you first got it, it's like, and then now you're talking about Alice I mean come on, I mean this is, this is amazing.

Speaker 1:

It all happens the way it's supposed to.

Speaker 2:

This is so cool. This has been awesome. This is so fun.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for coming on with me. It was really, really fun. Do you have anything else you want to plug? What, wait? Your podcast is called Convos with the Dead. Oh, it's Convos with the Dead.

Speaker 2:

It's on iHeartMedia, it's on Spotify. If you just Google convos with the dead or the Weedium Shannon Rock or whatever, it'll come up. It's also on my Instagram just the Weedium at the Weedium or at Shani Rock S-H-A-N-N-Y-R-O-C.

Speaker 1:

And we'll link to anything that you have, so people can find you easy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then you have to like when you're in LA I have my other podcast, puffin' on the Patio where we're literally I'm actually making my, I'm going to be touring like different patios and I'm going to we're going to set up like on everybody else's patio. Oh my gosh, that sounds so fun and I want to puff from everybody's patio, so I might have to make a trip out your way and we're going to have to like puff on the balcony.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got to bring a patio with you, because I don't have one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, we're going to go find one. We might be puffing in the park behind a bush, I don't care, but we're going to get some content.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I would love to.

Speaker 2:

Have a creepy day.

Speaker 1:

Have a nice day.